
Chester Bitten By Another Dog

Update: My other neighbor told me the dog that bit Chester is a pit bull and not boxer. Me stupid! Hahaha

I had a nagging feeling when Chester and I went for evening walk today. I saw my neighbor’s dog on the loose (no leash) and decided to just be careful. You see, the dog is a boxer pit bull. And he rarely comes out. He’s caged 24 hours and I’ve heard his master whack him a lot. He has attacked Chester once and thankfully nothing happened then. Judging from his behavior, the boxer pit bull is unpredictable.

So Chester went out potty and we came back the house safely. During that time, the boxer pit bull was busy smelling and doing his business. I waited and then I saw the boxer pit bull went into the house with his master, so I decided to go out again with Chester.

We were at the end of the road when I saw his master walking to a bush armed with newspaper. Apparently he’s picking up after his dog. Kudos to that. We walked pass him and were just 2 houses away from our gate when suddenly the boxer pit bull (out of nowhere) lunged at Chester’s backside. Chester tried to avoid of course. Then very quickly the boxer pit bull ran away when his master called him. He ran back into the house and that’s when I saw the stupid master has left his gate open. No wonder la. I quickly do a quick scan on Chester’s backside and saw nothing. We reached our gate and then Chester barked back at the dog (they lived opposite us). For once my dog is not afraid. Hahaha

We came into the house porch and I checked again for bite mark. Nothing. Fheww… then I decided to groom him. And that’s when I saw red blood at his tail. Argghh Chester did get bitten!!!


Quickly I washed the blood from his tail while he’s trying to drink from the water hose. LOL I guess he’s not in pain.

I wanted to tell the owner what happened to Chester but he went inside the house. I’ll do it next time then. And also the most important thing = LEASH YOUR DOG no matter how friendly or unfriendly your dog is.

The bite mark at Chester’s tail.

Cleaning the wound with hydrogen peroxide. Then I double it with alcohol swab.
It’s quite deep right?

Chester’s dressed wound.
I dressed the wounded area with gauze swab and surgical tape. Hope it’s enough.
Sorry Chester, I don’t have ointment/cream. πŸ™

Lastly, some cookies award for being a brave dog. XOX

p/s: What I’m afraid of is whether the boxer pit bull has disease that will transmit to my dog. Should I bring him to the vet or consult a vet at least?

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  • Reply foongpc March 19, 2013 at 1:41 am

    How unfortunate! Poor Chester! Maybe you should bring him to the vet for a check up! And definitely must tell the owner of that boxer!

    • Reply Che-Cheh March 19, 2013 at 9:00 pm

      The wound has closed up this morning and Chester is feeling great. So I guess ok kua. Yes will inform the boxer’s owner.

  • Reply jam March 19, 2013 at 3:00 pm

    A brave dog Chester is! I think you should go and tell the boxer’s owner what had happened, and also advise him to put a leash on his dog next time.

  • Reply Dawn March 22, 2013 at 3:44 am

    Blame the stupid owner. Good to know Chester is doing well. I’m guessing the pit bull owner does take his dog to the vet for shots and they are up to date with them.

    This owner needs a good taste of his own medicine. Hope the pit bull bites the crap outta him for hitting his dog.

    • Reply Che-Cheh March 22, 2013 at 8:23 am

      Ya I guess the pit bull had those shots. They are well-off people so I don’t think they will skip this important step.

      I told the owner’s dad this morning and he said sorry.

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