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shah alam

Local, Photography, Travel

‘Artificial’ LED Trees (Day Shoot) @ I-City, Shah Alam

Nine months after my first visit, I head to I-City, Shah Alam again. So, what have changed? Most of the ‘old’ decorations are still there and many new ones have been erected. The place has been expanded and now there are 2 ways to enter/exit I-City itself. There are also 2 ways to get into I-City (refer below for detailed map). Colorful LED trees were ‘planted’ along the routes making I-City ‘truly’ a lights wonderland at night.

During day time, you’ll come to realize all you see is artificial. Save for some ‘real’ flowers, this place feels like a ‘dead’ land. Sometimes it is an eyesore at night ‘too’. Why do they promote artificiality? Only the authority can answer that. It’s weird by the way. Any country can do this but only us ‘really’ go down to doing it. LOL

Anyway I was there for ‘day’ shooting that early October. For photographers, this place spells ‘let’s get creative’. Hehehe

I love this one a lot.

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Local, Photography, Travel

Lights Wonderland @ I-City, Shah Alam

Imagine my bewilderment when I saw a sea of beautiful lights shining from a small hill just behind Sungai Rasau Toll Plaza along Federal Highway. It was a very pretty sight! I knew immediately that must be I-City for I’ve read 2 articles about I-City’s White Winter Wonderland recently at The Star newspaper. In short I-City is the latest MSC Malaysia Cybercentre Zone @ Shah Alam, Selangor.

Good news is I have my DSLR with me that night. Wehheeee but boy oh boy I had some tough time setting up most of the shots as I’m not sure how to set the best aperture and white balance. Plus using a 50mm f/1.8 lens for landscape shots is a real test. In the end I just ignore the white balance setting (set to auto) and only concentrate on aperture. And I choose not to use flash as I dislike overblown picture.

So bear with me… these are my first night photography shots of LED Christmas trees.

Tsk, I also did day shooting at I-City few months later which I think is really interesting and rare. Not many will visit I-City during the day. So click here to view some of my favorite shots taken at I-City in daylight. Hope you like it.

Hmm too dark and not pretty. Haha
But I gotta show you how they look from far, right?

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