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Jedi Dog!

Woooo what in the name!

A Jedi??? I have a jedi here!
Everyone come and look.

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LEGO Star Wars Watch

My sis got me another present during her training stint. The first one was a Joby Gorillapod. My 2nd present is a LEGO Star Wars watch!

It’s a LEGO watch where you get to build/connect the watch bands in any pattern you like. Simple as that… very a little childish I know but what the heck you can’t find it here because it comes with Star Wars characters. πŸ˜›

I may be a Luke Skywalker & Yoda ‘fansi’ and I don’t care if you give me anything with Darth Vader on it.

Ok actually I care. Choosing Darth Vader means stepping nearer to the dark side. LOL But aiya what to do, sis asked me to hurry up as the LEGO shop was closing soon. So I said OK Darth Vader lo (since Luke Skywalker one is not that nice – according to her)

Cute box.
Do you know that I have a Lego Darth Vader (similar to the one on this box)?
Come read my funny short post about Star Wars and along the way you will see it.

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Happy Birthday Wuching Sith, Jedi Master Che-Cheh, Mozilla Monster & Malaysia

It’s Wuching Sith’s Birthday today!!!
My birthday tomorrow!!!
Moz Monster’s and Malaysia’s Birthday on 31st!!!


A year ago today, both Wuching Sith and Jedi Master Che-Cheh agreed a truce. Since then we have not fight one little bit at all even though we only promised to become fren-fren for just 2 days. It had been 365 days since.

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Remembering Star Wars

Reading Wuching’s post about Star Wars toys reminds me of a special edition paper that I had kept for 9 years. It was the Star Wars Special Edition pullout published by The Star many many years ago to commemorate the Special Editions of The Star Wars trilogy which opened in Malaysia on that very day.

Of course we (sis and me) went on and watched the Special Editions trilogy. It was a lifetime experience and to be able to sit through the whole 3 movies and experienced the Force, I would give anything (almost) to watch the trilogy again on silver screen. In case you don’t know, Special Editions trilogy contains restoration of some scenes cut from the original, new special effects, yadda yadda (you should know this if you’re a fan).

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